We're pulling our resources to help tantra temples across the planet, especially here in the USA as our religious freedom is under assault.
Below are media resources where we might share our voices, thoughts, ideas, energy and connect the dots, collaborate our efforts.
If you have suggestions, media ideas or links we need to share with our network, please email us at templeoftantra@gmail.com, put MEDIA in the subject line:
Media Resources By Kris FireHeart
Kamala Devi: 9/29 - Update:
Part 1 - http://vimeo.com/29811427
Part 2 - http://vimeo.com/29811597
Inara de Luna on Deviant Minds Salon
Episode 21
Laurie Handlers
Kamala Devi's video blogs: templelife.tv
Shedding Light on the Temple Raid:
Save the Tantra Temples Fundraiser.mov
http:// youtu.be/KLpgn8swgCU
Letter to Editor Links
(shared from http://endthewitchhunt.com/letter-to-editor-links/)
Send your letter by clicking on the links below or cut and paste the e-mail address into the “To” portion of a new e-mail. If you don’t hear from the newspaper within a few days, call the phone number provided to confirm receipt of your letter.
The Arizona Republic Submit Online
(602) 444-8000
East Valley Tribune (Mesa) Submit online
(480) 874-2863
…Tips for writing…
Keep letters short and on one subject.
Short, sentiment statements are often more powerful than drawn out legal debates.
Submit online so your words are legible
Include your contact information
Get the most out your letter by writing about opposing views with strong facts
More resources are listed on Temple Support Hub: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/265327343489089/