Posts Tagged "life between lives"

SOUL BEINGS by Janet Kira Lessin

»Posted by on Feb 14, 2011 in Reincarnation, Relationships, Spirituality | 0 comments

SOUL BEINGS by Janet Kira Lessin We are beings eternally evolving, learning, growing, through lifetimes, here on the Earth and other planets, realms, dimensions. Sometimes we’re light beings while other times we alter, lower or raise our vibrational frequencies to merge with bodies or energies in various levels of physical and spiritual manifestation. Eventually we evolve to the point where we’re able to create life from existing matter and energy. As we progress we learn how to terra form planets. There are those who actually learn how to manifest planets for terra forming by others who are learning to shape the planet’s terrain and introduce life forms, which they also create. We who are inhabiting this lowest dimension of physicality have a tendency to play...

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Life After Polyamory: Young and Beautiful, Someday Your Looks Will Be Gone by Janet Kira Lessin

»Posted by on Feb 14, 2011 in Relationships, Spirituality | 0 comments

Life After Polyamory: Young and Beautiful, Someday Your Looks Will Be Gone by Janet Kira Lessin I’m 57 now and my poly dreams are fading. Shattered. Yet I remain eternally hopeful, optimistic yet realistic at the same time. I’m not 18 anymore. I have gray hair covered by blonde dye. My face is beginning to sag. I have smile and laugh wrinkles around my baby blue eyes and my mouth. When look down there’s this weird thing that happens with my chin. I’ve put on weight with menopause. This past year I almost died from gallstones. I suffer from arrhythmia, allergies and asthma. My bones ache and Lord knows what other ills lie beneath the surface. But I’m blessed beyond belief for I am loved and have been loved by some incredible people, male and female, some living,...

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