Posts Tagged "tantra"


»Posted by on Oct 1, 2011 in All-Chakra Tantra, Sasha Lessin, Ph. D., Tantra | 0 comments

MERGE WITH LOVERS; DISSOLVE SEPARATENESS ILLUSION by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D., Dean, School of Tantra, Sit with a partner. Maintain eye contact. Don't touch. Tell her or him, "I feel separateness from you when I say to myself ... (specify all of the rational and irrational, serious and trivial, crazy and stupid and clear and astute things you say to yourself that make you feel separate from her or him.) Exhaust your list. Your partner sits calmly and says, "Thank you" after each separation you enumerate. Then have your partner tell you, "I feel separateness from you when I say to myself...." Encourage your partner to exhaust her or his separatenesses: calmly say "Thank you" for each. Then join hands. Tell your partner, "I feel oneness with you...

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»Posted by on Sep 30, 2011 in Phoenix Goddess Temple, Religion, Sedona Temple, Spirituality, Tantra | 1 comment

This whole situation with the Phoenix Goddess Temple has the potential to be so much bigger than it seems many of our community realize.  It could, and will, affect so many more of you in ways I bet you have not even considered.  Think about it: Let's say Tracy wins, and Tantra and sacred touching, etc., is allowed in Arizona.  Now that doesn't mean that it's allowed in California or Washington, BUT, if the case makes it to Federal court, which it very well may, then guess what?  Tracy's victory allows ALL OF YOU out West to practice the way you want because the 9th Circuit will have said you could.  The laws will extend far beyond the boundaries of Arizona, and by the way, the 9th Circuit is the MOST LIBERAL circuit in the country!  How can the case get there?...

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Sacred Matrix

»Posted by on Feb 14, 2011 in Community, Sacred Matrix, Spirituality | 0 comments

Unite, co-create spiritual family through the Sacred Matrix, a revolution in conscious evolution. Remember Source, we’re all divine, love incarnate. Through love divine, we support one to awaken, lean, grow, evolve, become enlightened (in the light). Enlightened, we create a planet of peace and transform the matrix of illusion and separation in to a partnership paradigm, a paradise of equality, truth, love, respect, unity, dignity, beauty, grace for all beings, plants, animals and Mother Earth (Gaia). Awake, aware, we become a clear vessel of the Divine, a pure channel of love and light. On this sacred journey to consciousness, we remove chakra blocks through spiritual psycho-emotional healing, personal growth work and spiritual practice. The Sacred Matrix honors...

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Become a Sacred Lover

»Posted by on Feb 14, 2011 in Relationships, Spirituality, Tantra | 0 comments

BECOME A SACRED LOVER Become a sacred lover. Learn All-Chakra Tantra and master the art of conscious, sacred sexuality. Give and receive whole body healing with other Students on the tantric path. Clear your chakras (energy centers) and become a manifestation of divine love. As divinity incarnate, you’re attractive, sexy, sensual, irresistible. All are drawn to you because you’re channeling energy directly from Source/Universal Consciousness. You vibrate at a higher frequency. You become enlightened (full of light) and radiate love. Others are drawn to you, compulsively, like a moth to a flame. You are a clear vessel of Love/God/Goddess. You are the sacred healer, the lover, a Daka or Dakini. You’re a true tantrica who emanates love, respects life, heals others...

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Temple of Tantra

»Posted by on Oct 19, 2010 in Wish List | 0 comments

Welcome to the Temple of Tantra located in paradise on the tropical island of Maui, Hawaii. Here you relax, learn, heal, grow, commune with nature, connect with one another, heal personally, heal relationships.

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