Posts made in August, 2011

Dear Abby: Should Triad Come Out to Family?

»Posted by on Aug 18, 2011 in Polyamory | 0 comments

  Should Triad Come Out to Family? Up to 1,400 newspapers When poly triads and quads first began seeing their inquiries taken seriously by newspaper advice columnists, it was truly a big deal. Here we were being recognized in public as actually existing; millions of people were reading, with their eggs and toast, that poly relationships are actually possible and happening in the real world. Now that this kind of attention is becoming almost commonplace, it hardly seems like news. But yes it is, and yes it really matters. This week, huge numbers of newspapers are about to print the following from Dear Abby, supposedly the most widely syndicated newspaper columnist in the world: Woman with husband and lover wants one big happy family By Abigail Van Buren Dear...

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