
shivashakti (1)

Become a temple supporter and support religious freedom for all beings. Donate to the Temple of Tantra so we can grow and expand.

Our vision is to build a global network of tantra temples around the planet, connected to one another and the divine spirit of ONENESS, the Creator of All so consciousness and enlightenment will be the primary operating force for our beloved world.

We need your help, your love and support in whatever way you can give, be it money, volunteering your time or simply taking a bit of time out of your day to pray and meditate for true and authentic peace and freedom for all sentient life on this planet. We're getting there and we need all to wake up and become lightworkers, reconnect to GodSource and awaken

Become a Temple Supporter & sign up for a $5 month ongoing donation


Become a Temple Patron & sign up for a $10 month ongoing donation


Make a one time donation. We appreciate all that you give.

Please donate what you can. Every dollar helps. Volunteer. Come work the land, plant, harvest, weed, do what you can to contribute to this temple and all temples everywhere. Ask what you can give to your family, friends, neighbors with no expectation of anything in return other than the pleasure of giving itself. Try it. You'll be surprised how fulfilled you feel after giving with no expectations of getting anything back.

Religious freedom for all is under attack when one religion/spiritual path is being singled out for persecution. This is what's happening with Goddess Temples and Tantra Temples in the United States. Our First Amendment Constitutional rights are being violated.  We must stand up for the beliefs of others even if they are not what we believe. There are basic, human rights that must be preserved above all.

Temples allow sanctuary, a place to escape, reflect, collect, gather your thoughts and pray, meditate, reconnect with Source, with a powerful force for good outside the Earth's matrix which at times becomes so perverse it threatens to consume even the most enlightened. We empower ourselves by going within and connecting with that divine thread of higher consciousness that resides within.

Please help our friends from the Phoenix Goddess Temple and the Sedona Temple who are facing criminal charges. Please support tantra temples across America who're fighting local zoning regulations that are attempting to zone us right out of existence. There are temples in Washington, Oregon and California that have been attacked. There are others and we're hoping that they'll contact us and we can get more organized and support one another.

The Temple of Tantra in Maui, Hawaii is the first 501(c)(3) in the United States with TANTRA in it's name and this temple is one of the locations under attack by local Zoning Administration. Maui Zoning is trying to force us to close our doors. We need help defending our temples, our ministers and practitioners and defending tantra in general as a religious, spiritual practice permitted to worship, mediate and pray in the United States.

We need money to protect our temples, priests, priestesses, practitioners, schools and ashrams.
Our civil liberties are being taken away.

We know there are many more as we get wind of what's going on now and again.
But please, let us know. Contact us at
Some temples have closed their doors. Others have been forbidden to use tantra in their promotions or on their web sites. Others have been fined or threatened with huge fines and have closed their doors. This is a true sin against humanity and must be stopped now before it goes any further.
Stand up for religious freedom. Support tantra and goddess temples here and across the World.
Know, that if one religion is under attack, then relgious freedom for all Americans is under attack. Don't kid yourself that you can only defend one or two religious types and not defend them all and still preserve religious freedom on this planet.


Our temples are under attack and if one religion is allowed to fall, all Americans face loss of freedom.
Tantra and prostitution are two very separate things. There are some who try to link the two, but any of you who have studied tantra or practice it understand that tantra is an ancient, high spiritual practice that goes back to Sumer and before, is the basis of most religions including Judiasm, Christianity and Islam. Tantra is a yogic, meditation, spiritual practice with an element that teaches couples how to love one another better.


We're all created through sex. But we are much more than sex.

Below is a not-so-gentle reminder of what happened in Nazi Germany and other parts of the world when our backs were turned. Never again. It happened once but we must now and forever remain hyper-vigelent or we'll not be able to breathe or take a walk in the woods without all being legilslated and controlled. George Orwell warned us in "1984". Others now come forth. Pay attention now, WAKE UP, before it's too late.

First they came for the communist.

And I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist
Then they came for the trade unionists.
And I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews.

And I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me.

And there was no one left to speak out for me.
Welcome to the the Temple of Tantra where we're collecting funds for the Protection of all Civil Liberties, including the 1st Amendment: the Freedom of speech, the Right to peaceably assemble & the Right to practice Religion without persecution. Due to the recent arrests in Arizona of sacred Practitoners, Priests and Priestesses and the power elite's attempts to invalidate our faith through inaccurate labels, all religions and faiths are subsequently vulnerable to these endless attempts to legislate our morality, religious beliefs, relationship styles and structures and what we do behind closed doors in the privacy of our own temples, churches, homes and even bedrooms. Unite for freedom for all.





Welcome to the TEMPLE OF TANTRA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit church/temple (tax ID #01-0877744) aka the Tantra Theosphical and Gaia Worshiping Society of the Divine Human Family where we're collecting funds for the Protection of all Civil Liberties, including the 1st Amendment: the Freedom of speech, the Right to peaceably assemble & the Right to practice Religion without persecution for Tantra believers universally. Due to the recent arrests in Arizona of sacred Practitioners, Priests and Priestesses and the power elite's attempts to invalidate our faith through inaccurate labels, all religions and faiths are subsequently vulnerable to these endless attempts to legislate our morality, religious beliefs, relationship styles and structures and what we do behind closed doors in the privacy of our own temples, churches, homes and even bedrooms. Unite for freedom for all. Please donate to the civil lawsuit action and protect our rights to worship.

Tantra means weave and represents the first spiritual practice created for humanity. Tantra is also about sacred sexuality and our path back to Source and Oneness.

Theosophical (theopathy) means towards the light, a path of enlightenment.

Gaia's another name for our beloved Mother Earth. We believe she's alive, has consciousness, a soul, is a spirit and we honor and revere her. We worship her because we love her and she's a magnificent, beautiful being worthy of such love. We are in a symbiotic relationship with her. We're more dependant on her than she is on us. So we best love and honor the Mother, or we will perish as a species.

Society is an organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity. We come together to practice tantra.
The Divine Human Family is the connection we humans have with one another, as one species, one family, one consciousness when we remove ourselves from the illusion that we are separate.

That about covers it all. Here we offer healing practices, services, counseling, certification, ways and means to accelerate enlightenment, personally and for all beings everywhere.

Embrace the Spiritual Essence of All Faiths
by Janet Kira Lessin

Study, pray, worship, learn, grow, expand, become, belong, embrace the divine essence of all faiths by seeing your oneness in all beings. The Gaia Experiment in consciousness rushes to a conclusion.

We live on Spaceship Earth, Gaia, a planet of love dedicated to our growth and healing. As she zooms through the cosmos, we are propelled with her to greater, bigger, better paradigms, realities that make our souls soar.

Where are you in the continuum between light and dark, good and evil, love and hate? How often do you go unconscious and wish you could maintain your cool and embrace love at all times? There are ways to remember.

Tantra, a gift from the Gods, a sacred practice of love, allows you to become clear, helps you center and permits you to recall what you already know deep inside.

We live in wondrous times. The answers have always been with us and we now find them accessible, in our dreams, in waking lives as we encounter the mystical, magical beings that awaken us to full consciousness.

In the maze of the Matrix, we often feel lost under the weight of materialism, economic hardship, social conditioning and religious and cultural programming. The "shoulds" of society weigh us down, make us feed depressed and repressed and keep us from knowing our true selves. No more.

We know that was the design because we all created it. We decided to keep us unconscious long enough for the experiment in creation to play itself out to maximum capacity. Through our interactions, good and bad, we created sufficient diversity, complexity, polarity and separation which manifested abundant lila (divine play). We've maximized our probabilities, topped our capacity and realized our highest expectations. Success!

Now it's time for the passion play to draw to its natural end. The Earth herself is ready to be reborn anew at a higher level vibratory frequency of consciousness and awareness. Celebrate!

Tantra, a high spiritual art form designed to elevate lovemaking to open portals to Source, originated in Sumer, has survived the ages, is a cryptic message from the Creator of All to her children, to help you evolve and become a conscious being. While Gaia counts down to her rebirth, you are given tools of consciousness so that you maximize your human experience and move with her to the fifth dimension, a realm of joy and bliss, where you transfigure to a high being of love.

Despite wars and attempts to keep this sacred message from humanity, the mystery unfolds before us here and in this now through tantric practice. We're remembering there's more to life than suffering, pain, misery, lack, competition, greed and materialism.

We feed the morpohogenic field with our awareness which accelerates our awakening. We have the tools to overcome our short comings, to evolve and become the souls we know we are which have been hidden until now, deep down in subconscious levels.

United, awake, aware, we move beyond our skin-encapsulated self-sense that we've identified as who we are to a greater self of wonder and enlightenment. We remember we agreed to come here, to taste life and experience it all. We embrace the love from which we were created. We're grateful for every moment, every breath we get to take in this wonderful world. We look forward to the next adventure as conscious, co-creator with God.dess.

Thank you for finding us here at the Temple of Tantra. We exist to be of service to one another during these incredible times that are upon us. We are the ones we've been waiting for. Each day we remember more and more and as we look into the eyes of the souls around us, we discover we are all beloveds, all ONE, love incarnated in physical form.

Love, Blessings, Namaste ~

Remember we are always ONE in all ways.